
29 Funny Quotes

champion quote puzzle quote

_____An ant just ran under my keyboard. I have it under Ctrl (funny ant quote, short funny joke)
_____I don't like people. I go on Facebook because I don't consider anybody on here people, per se, I just prefer the company of statuses and question marks??? (funny Facebook quote status)
_____I can pretty much guarantee that if you want something done right and you ask me to do it, you will never make that mistake again. (best funny quote)
_____Look, I'm in a hurry so let's talk while we're walking........ You go that way and I'll go this way. (hilarious quote status joke)
_____I know you're drunk because your posture ain't that good when you're sober  (witty drunk quote status joke)
_____I hate when my foot falls asleep and I have to kick someone in the face to wake it up (funny foot sleep status)
_____Man what a crazy day, I think I am going to hit the restroom and take a power nap  (funny nap quote and status)
_____I would like everyone to take a moment, just a single moment out of your busy day, to think about how lucky you are to know ME!
Your Welcome!  (awesome funny quote)
 Well, since you said "no offense, but" at the beginning of your insults about my mom, everything is fine (No offense quote)
 Not to brag, but I can make it look as if I'm actually listening to someone for up to 10 minutes.
 Every time I see that you like my post, I can't help but think the dirtiest thoughts about that statement
_____I've discovered that the best way to conquer many jobs around the house is to simply say "f**k it" and fall asleep on the couch instead (funny couch quote and status)
_____I hate it when my foot falls asleep and I have to hang up on you cause you're talking to much
_____This status is copyrighted and may not be reused, rewritten or disseminated in whole or part without the express written consent of © 2012, Statusfield Enterprises, Inc.
_____I'll try anything once. If it kills me I'll never do it again.
_____The thing I don't get about 'no' is the part where I don't get what I want (witty puzzle quote)
_____I'm not saying she's slut, I'm saying she does not sleep in her own bed often (funny slut quote)
_____I think I just broke my retinas reading your status (funny retina quote)
_____Sometimes i like your posts because you are do-able, not because they are likeable (funny doable quote joke)
_____A friend of mine just lost her husband and asked me, "What will I do without him?"
Apparently masturbate was not the answer she wanted to hear (hilarious joke)
_____Mock me for my lame jokes one more time and I'll knock-knock you to the ground
_____"giving up is not an option. Its the plan!" - organized failure (funny give up quote)
_____I broke wind in a business meeting this morning, I was so embarrassed. It didn't smell at all and only the person sitting next to me heard it (funny fart status joke)
_____Scary movies aren't scary at all. Then you go home, get in bed, and hear that first unidentified noise
Is it just me or does this status taste funny?
_____If unintentionally making women angry was a competitive sport I would be the undisputed champion (funny champion quote)
_____Sometimes it feels like the world is trying to pull me down. Then I realize I'm not wearing underwear, and it's just gravity
_____My brain is like a well oiled machine.. it may not function properly, but well oiled nonetheless. :) (funny brain quote)
_____Just got back from MySpace...I had fun with the other 6 people who were logged in (funny myspace quote)
_____Ugh. I'm in a relationship with a timeline person.... (funny timeline quote)

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28 Funny Quotes

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_____If I wanna describe myself using 3 words I would say:
Smart, clever, intelligent, genius  (Awesome funny quote)
 Just because I say 'It's nice to see you again', it doesn't mean that it's nice to see you again (witty quote and status)
 I know the world won't end in 2012, because my credit card doesn't expire until 2015. And we know that the Banks control the world! (funny bank quote, world's end quote)
 When I meet someone new I like to shake their hand with increasing speed and intensity while whispering "Oh God. Don't stop" because people need to learn not to talk to me. (Hilarious quote and status)
 I really pity whoever is the last man on earth. Most women agree they want nothing to do with that dude (funny women quote)
 Till yesterday I use to hated people with bad grammar and speling mistek...But then today I found out something about myself. (funny grammar quote)
 ‎"It's a long story" ~ people who don't want to talk about whatever you just asked about. (its a long story quote)
 I think its wrong when people get punished for things they didint do, u know like
"Homework"   (funny homework quote)
 I think I'm lactose intolerant... I just had 6 milkshakes and my stomach is killing me. (best funny quote, status and joke)
 Never put the key to your heart in someone else's pocket... And never put your hand oin someone else's pocket either, unless you have permission. Apparently that is a form of harassment.. (funny quote and status)
 My computer wont take my password, it keeps sending me a message "caps off". I removed my cap from my head and tried again, still nothing (funny caps lock quote)
 Studying hard to become an erectional officer. (funny erection quote)
 It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, except that I can't find a bastard candle because it's too fucking dark. (funny candle quote)
 Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. I sit at my window drinking hot chocolate and wonder what those daft fuckers are doing out there. (funny rain quote)
 I've been calling my girlfriend "babe" for five years because I'm too embarrassed to tell her that I forgot her name. (funny girlfriend quote)
 Is it wrong to go to sleep and dream of beating someone up, then wake up smiling about it? (funny dream quote)
 I'm so broke and sad I don't have any cents of humor (funny humor quote)
 If you can't say something nice about someone, you probably know the same people I do. (funny people quote)
 I SAVED EVERYONES LIFE and all those ungrateful bastards want to focus on is that I started the fire (funny fire quote and joke)
 I can't recall the last time a guy made me smile uncontrollably , maybe it was when my ex was squirming on the ground after i kicked him in the balls.
 Today is already turning into one of those Mondays where liking your own status is about as much acknowledgement as you're going to get. (funny Monday quote)
 I don't understand why you guys make fake profiles. I mean look at me! (funny profile quote)
 It's cute when you wink at me, but next time, could you use one of your eyes? (funny wink quote)
 Well I was gonna donate blood today until the lady got all personal and started asking "who´s blood is this?" and "How did you get it?" So ungrateful.
 My husband says I talk while I sleep. But I'm skeptical. Nobody at work has ever mentioned it. (funny work sleep quote)
 I don't care about awards and all that crap, I just hope my obituary mentions something about my Facebook statuses (funny Facebook quote)
 My answering machine message: "Hi, I'm not at home. Please leave a message after the FUCK YOU... Sorry about that! Beep doesnt work." (funny answering machine quote)
 Still not exactly sure why facebook wants me to know about the people I might know but hey I'll go along with it. (funny Facebook quote)